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Preparing for growth

Is your company ready to make bigger business happen?

It’s that time of year again. GlassBuild America is just around the corner, and like many in the industry, I’ve been preparing for the region’s largest trade and networking event. Recently, I came across a promo video for the trade show, and something that stood out to me was a tagline for the event in big, bold lettering that read “Bigger Business Happens at GlassBuild.”
While the motto encapsulates why many of us attend trade and networking events—to learn from others and make the connections that will grow our businesses—it reminded me of a common issue facing businesses throughout the fenestration industry.

The entrepreneurial drive to make bigger business happen is sometimes stronger than the foundation to operate as a bigger business. This disparity prompts the question: Are you sure your company is ready for bigger business?

Evolving business

That question might seem best posed to glass fabricators or window and door manufacturers yet to implement an ERP system into their operations. Certainly, there is no better way to take your business to the next level, improve your production process and, ultimately, grow your company.

But even as integration and automation have increased across the glass fabrication and window and door manufacturing sectors, many in the industry still find it challenging to scale production efficiently and respond quickly to consumer demand for custom products. Integrating ERP software and increasing automation into your operations isn’t a one-and-done scenario. Your company has achieved the next level, but there’s always bigger business to make happen.

Think of it this way: You wouldn’t go to a trade show like GlassBuild, learn about one piece of tech that can increase your profits or partner with another company to improve sales, and never go to another trade show again. No, your business is evolving, and you need to continue to update its backbone to make that evolution possible.

The next level

When you ask yourself if your company is ready for bigger business to happen, it tends to invite several other questions for consideration. Is your business fully optimized? Are your processes completely integrated? What is the “next level” to which you want to take your business? No matter how you answer these, it will point to one final question. Can my current ERP software handle that “next level”?

If the answer is “no,” you have a really good problem on your hands. It means you’re growing as a company and maturing in the right direction. And there’s a simple solution readily available: upgrade. Talk to your software provider about what you need to match your production with your ambition, and put their engineering expertise to the test. 

Three present as one 

There’s another reason why preparing for bigger business has been front of mind for me ahead of GlassBuild America. At this year’s conference, three industry-leading software providers—FeneTech, Soft Tech and contractERP—are presenting their new features for the first time as Cyncly. Cyncly’s portfolio of industry-specific solutions has been strengthened by bringing these companies together to help window, door and glass manufacturers manage customer requests faster, improve overall operating efficiency and scale production efficiently.

By combining these three brands’ industry experience, engineering knowledge and software expertise, Cyncly is strengthening each of their solutions. We can’t wait to share how these new features will further empower fabricators and manufacturers to optimize production processes, streamline workflows, reduce costs, and make bigger business happen for our customers and the entire industry.


Ron Crowl

Ron Crowl

Ron Crowl is general manager of windows, doors and glass at Cyncly. Contact him at Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Window + Door.