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Women in Glass: In Her Words

Lindsey Rowe Parker shares about her experiences as a female in a male-dominated industry and offers tips and guidance for others

Lindsey Rowe Parker is the marketing director at Rowe Renestration and NAWIC's Sacramento Marketing Chair. She's been with Rowe Fenestration for six years, has 15 years' marketing experience and is a self-professed lifetime #glassnerd. Lindsey took some time to share her thoughts about women in glass and fenestration.

People In Glass

My favorite part about working in the construction and glass industry is the people. Rowe Fenestration is a family business. We have an incredible team, and I am also fortunate to work alongside my father, sister and cousin! I have been listening to glass talk and banter from folks in the glass industry since I was in diapers, my dad grew up in glass in Minnesota, (Hey Viracon!) and these experiences over 40 years have seeped into every layer or my life. It is an honor to get to carve out my place among you, both professionally and personally. 

Realize your worth

Impostor syndrome is real and can be loud. I worked many years at a lower pay rate than I should have, worked more hours than I was compensated for and took on professional burdens that were not mine to carry because I didn’t want to make waves. That leads us all to burnout. 

For me personally, learning my worth and setting boundaries made a huge difference in my career. It was uncomfortable, there were hard discussions and there still continue to be challenges. But each time it gets easier to identify when it is happening, have the confidence to place the boundary and the grit to see it through. This is my greatest career accomplishment. 

Find a Mentor 

Whether you are new on the job or an industry veteran—most of us have had a look around and noticed women make up a small percentage of the workforce in the construction industry. The numbers don’t lie–and to be a small part of building off the work of those that came before us, and paving the way for those who come after us makes me incredibly proud. Find a mentor through organizations like the National Association of Women In Construction (NAWIC); you will gain so much from these relationships! They will be invaluable to your growth as a professional and many times also a person. That is what NAWIC is all about.

Something that I have noticed over and over in my professional experience is that the old, outdated narrative that women do not help other women is not true. My most meaningful and impactful professional relationships have been with women. My mentors have been women. My colleagues, my friends. 

I hope that anyone experiencing otherwise gets connected to a group of supportive women who lift each other up both personally and professionally. And NAWIC is definitely one of those spaces. 

Surprising Fact 

I’m neurodivergent. (This actually does not surprise anyone who knows me well!) What does neurodivergent mean? It means that my brain works differently than the “norm.” For me specifically, I have ADHD, neurodivergent and autistic kids, we all have sensory differences, and I wrote a book about it! 


Lindsey Rowe Parker

Lindsey Rowe Parker is the marketing director at Rowe Fenestration and the NAWIC Sacramento Marketing Chair. Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Window + Door.