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Matt Johnson

Matt Johnson

Matt Johnson is a member for The Gary Law Group, a Portland-based firm specializing in legal and risk issues facing manufacturers of glazing products. Write him at

3 Contractual Defense Terms

What defend, trigger and obligation mean and how they can affect your company.

Legal Protection in the Age of Digital Ad Agencies

Many companies rely on the expertise of internet marketing agencies for ad development, placement and intellectual property right protection. But, as recent experience with Facebook and “tailored” content has illustrated, internet advertising can also present a Wild West for the digital frontier.…

A Matter of Privacy

Privacy of consumer data is a legal issue that will affect the fenestration industry into 2020 and beyond. No less than 27 states are in the process of writing or enacting their own privacy statutes. The various approaches to consumer protection can differ wildly, are very technical, and impose…

Component Liability

Best practices Consider warnings that are applicable to the components that make up the products.  Purchasing conditions and supplier warranty-commitments that address both the provision of applicable warnings and offer remedies for the failure to supply those warnings are crucial.  These warning-…

Think Big

The manufacturing issue provides a chance for manufacturers to think big and, in the manufacturing world, this typically means capital expenditures. As any GlassBuild America attendee can attest, these large purchases tend to be sources of excitement.  Capex transactions themselves, however,…

On the Legal Horizon

Legal and compliance issues facing the industry continue to evolve and mature. Certification, code-compliance and best-practices improvement remain key opportunities for our clients in this, and every, year. But there are a few items on our radar for 2018 that, maybe, should be on yours as well…

Trade Show Talk

Tradeshows are wonderful opportunities to meet new people, reconnect with old friends and learn something new. They also put companies into close contact with their market competitors. And, where market competitors come together, the specter of antitrust violations is present. Before eyes glaze…

Manufacturing a Class Action

Class action litigation has become a reality of the fenestration industry. These attacks come in many forms including those directed at a common method of assembly or fabrication practices—that is, a manufacturing defect. This is an important legal reality that window and door companies need to…