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Text to Improve Customer Service

4 tips for installers to use text messaging to close more sales

Texting is an excellent way for window and door installers to communicate with homeowners. It improves the customer experience and, therefore, makes it easier to close sales. In a recent Modernize Home Services survey of more than 1,700 homeowners, 46 percent said they prefer to communicate with contractors via text, while only 8 percent prefer to speak on the phone. Text messages have higher open rates and engagement rates than other methods of communication. Furthermore, contractors in our network report that texting increases close rates on leads by an average of 15 percent.  

But adopting this strategy is not easy. There are four things you should know to avoid common mistakes as you make the shift towards becoming a text-first company.  

1. Keep it Brief  

Use clear and straightforward language in your messages. And keep it short; not many homeowners want to read a long block of text from someone they do not know. Give them a reason to engage. Every text you send needs to provide value. The homeowner should be able to understand what that value is almost immediately. 

  • Get your free quote by scheduling a call here (link). 
  • You can get 50% off your installation by scheduling an appointment by DATE. 
  • Save money today by scheduling your free estimate here (link). 

2. Focus on the Call to Action  

If you want the homeowner to take a specific action after reading your text, like answer yes/no or go to your website, use a clear call to action. Tell them exactly what to do. Otherwise, the homeowner will read your message but do nothing. You will be no closer to your goal. Questions that encourage yes or no responses work because they are easy to understand and act on. Examples of messages with clear calls to action:  

  • Can we schedule an installation expert to get you a quote? Call us at (555)555-555 
  • Can you confirm the appointment scheduled for TIME/DATE? Answer “y” for yes or “n” for no.  
  • Are you willing to review us online? Please click here.    

3. Watch Your Timing  

Be strategic when you send messages, so you don’t disturb homeowners at odd hours. It is best to send messages during regular business hours. Also, do not send too many messages. It comes across as invasive. Text sparingly, and only when you have something valuable to provide.    

4. Give Tools to Your Staff  

Many window and door contractors are still not using text messaging. There are concerns about overwhelming their staff, bothering homeowners and that it just is not worth it. Avoid these problems with a text management tool. Platforms like Connect from Modernize simplify the follow-up process through automation. They save your sales and customer service teams time while enhancing the customer experience. Integrate your automated texting tool to your CRM or marketing automation system so you can measure, track and optimize your business results.


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Gregg Hicks

Gregg Hicks is a longtime marketer of home improvement services. He is a new business leader for Modernize and has 20 years’ experience across web analytics, SEO, social, SEM and affiliate marketing. His role as spokesperson is to explain the value of thoughtful matchmaking between homeowners and home improvement professionals that forges positive and productive connections between the parties. Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Window + Door.