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Case Studies: Online Reviews on Steroids

SEO and website conversion are fairly complex and multi-faceted, Harshaw wrote in a recent installment of Your Business Matters in Window + Door magazine. The bedrock foundation of both: great content. Of the four types of content he outlined in that article—including core content, blogs, online reviews—he offers the following examples for creating case studies.


Everyone knows that Google loves videos, and that Google owns YouTube. It stands to reason that videos are good for SEO. And they’re also good for conversion… provided they are helpful, relevant and interesting. The good news: videos don’t have to be expensive, professional and fancy to do the trick (though it doesn’t hurt, either).

Focus on creating video content that is short—30 to 60 seconds—and posting videos to your YouTube account, then embedding them on your website (and/or social media accounts). I’ll be writing a post on quick, easy and inexpensive videos shortly… stay tuned.


Make a habit of taking before, during and after photos of every job you do—or at least four or five jobs a month. Yes, it’s a pain, but photos make great content for both SEO and conversion. Hand the photos to your website nerd to make sure they’re tagged properly for SEO purposes and, if possible, put a caption below each photo describing what a person should be looking at (for conversion purposes). It is literally impossible to have too many photos. Just make sure they’re organized in a way that makes them easy to find/see/deal with. 

Expert Advice

This is actually a sub-category of blog postings, but it gives some framework for blogging. Sit down and think of the 20 most common questions you get during a sales presentation. Really think through it. (For example, a metal roofing company told me that almost every single prospect asks, “Will it be loud when it rains on my metal roof?”)

Write a short answer and put it under the header of “Ask the Expert” and voila! You are an expert and people get their questions answered. You could also answer the question on video for an added punch to both SEO and conversion. 

Local Pages

Local pages are landing pages within your website that are dedicated to a specific product and a specific geographic location—like “Windows in Orlando” or “Siding in Kissimmee.” Google loves these kinds of pages because they utilize hyper-specific keywords, which is also the exact same reason that actual prospects like them! It lets them know that you sell what they are looking for in the exact area they are looking for it.

Caution: Don’t use the same text over and over on every page and simply swap out city names only. This can make Google mad because Google hates “duplicate content.” Stay safe!


Rich Harshaw

Rich Harshaw

Rich Harshaw is CEO of Level 10 Contractor, which helps clients forge a unique identity and facilitate massive growth. He is also the author of three books, including "Unlocking Unlimited Lead Flow." He can be reached at 817/416-4333. Opinions expressed are the author's own and do not necessarily reflect the position of the National Glass Association or Window + Door.